ACES Suit - Scholarly Teaching Development

Certificate Requirements - Complete at least one activity from each of the following topics:

Topic: Guidance for Mentoring and Supervising Learner Research & Quality Improvement Projects

Activity 1: Guidance for Mentoring and Supervising Learner Research & Quality Improvement Projects

This ACES activity is available to Schulich faculty. To complete this ACES topic, you are required to fulfill the role of either a UME Quality Project Advisor or a Research Supervisor in Undergraduate Medical Education, (UME). In addition, participants are required to complete the ACES Faculty Development Activity Reflection & Commitment to Change. The information provided here is to introduce faculty to these opportunities and the commitment required to complete this activity. Fulfilling one of these roles will enable participants an opportunity to receive ACES Program recognition for their commitment.

Author: Dr. Amit Kirpalani (Western University)

Length: Approx. 10 - 20 hours

Topic: Scholarly Approaches to Education Practice

Activity 1: Fostering Creativity & Humanism in Healthcare and Health Professions Education

Modern professional and institutional life tends to privileged rational, scientific ways of knowing and while an obvious necessity for our work, we know our decisions and actions are deeply shaped by human and cultural factors including creativity, self-awareness and empathy. Creativity - the process of coming up with original ideas and bringing them into the world - is necessary for innovation in research, teaching and learning. Breaking from the cognitive frames that drive our perception requires play and a tinkering mindset in order to generate more ideas and more diverse ideas more often. This module will help you develop “creative confidence”, a belief in your own abilities to come up with ideas and successfully bring about change.

By the end of this activity, participants will be able to: 

1. Manage your motivation and emotions to fuel creative behaviors

2. Formulate improvement through iteration and experimentation

3. Deduce and solve the correct problems hindering creative behaviors

Authors: Drs. Sean Park (Western University) & Sarrah Lal (McMaster University)

Format: Asynchronous, self-directed module

Length: Approx. 3 hours

Accreditation: 3.0 certified Mainpro+® credits and 3.0 MOC Section 1 hours


Activity 2: Peer Dialogue

A Peer Dialogue (PD) is an opportunity for Schulich teachers to explore and strengthen their teaching practice in a collaborative, confidential manner with a teaching peer. This process is distinct and separate from a teaching evaluation. However, there may be information in your teaching evaluations which you may want to discuss with your peer. PD is an effective faculty development process which is commonly used in higher education teaching contexts; it has also been previously implemented by several Schulich educators. As with any coaching process, the emphasis of a PD is on establishing a supportive discussion to explore improvements of your teaching skills and behaviors. The suggested model is based on peer reviewed literature, and an environmental scan of health sciences peer teaching dialogue programs.

Topic: Research on Education

Activity 1: Getting started with education research: Moving from idea to study

This activity is currently in development, launch date expected in 2023

Author: Dr. Chris Watling (Western University)

Format: TBA

Length: TBA